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Brian M. Lucot Platform

From "Letters to the Editor," Park News, December 6, 2019, pg. 10 (Lucot vs. Buchewicz)

Download in .pdf format for complete information on the issues from both candidates

We need to improve the equipment utilized by our first responders.
We need to improve our economic climate in South Park.
We need to improve our township facilities and look to expand opportunities for our constituents.
We need to modernize our communications and technology so we can improve the way we provide information and interact with residents.

From "Letters to the Editor," Park News, November 1, 2019, pg. 28 (Lucot vs. Buchewicz)

Editor's Note:  To help voters make an informed decision in the coming election for the position of Township Supervisor, we are presenting the following letters from the candidates.  These letters are in their own words and have not been edited.

It's Time For A Change (download in .pdf format)

South Park has been my home since 1986.  I grew up on Evans field, riding my bike on the Montour Trail to Cogo's, and bartending at Gil's Cafe during the summers when I was home from college and law school.  I loved growing up in South Park.  Now, my wife and I are raising our three children here.  We are fortunate enough to coach our kids' teams on the same field I grew up playing on.  I want our kids, and all kids to love growing up in South Park as much as I did.

I am a practicing attorney with a Pittsburgh-based law firm.  I have been practicing law for nine years and my practice has been primarily in civil litigation.  I graduated from Duquesne University School of Law with honors in 2010.  While in law school, I took classes with an emphasis on litigation and government law, and I received awards for highest grade in Local Government Law and excellent oral argument skills.  My legal training and my experience has more than prepared me for the duties and responsibilities of a Supervisor.

I'm running for Supervisor because South Park Township continues to fall behind neighboring communities like Bethel Park, Peters Township, and Jefferson Hills.  South Park does not have a chamber of commerce, a grocery store, indoor bathrooms at its largest park, a rec center, or even a Facebook page.  Our police and fire departments are underfunded and they are stuck using old and dilapidated equipment.  South Park needs a new generation of leaders to emerge and bring new ideas to our local government.

My platform has been very simple and straightforward throughout this campaign - public safety, economic and community development, and new leadership for our township.  Throughout this campaign, I have spoken with many local organizations, knocked on over 2,000 doors (and counting), and had the opportunity to speak with thousands of residents in the township to listen to their thoughts, concerns, and wishes for our community.  It is my goal to use my ideas, creativity, and experience to implement positive changes for our township.  I loved growing up in South Park and I want to do everything that I can to make sure that every kid that grows up in South Park will love it, too.

The election for Supervisor is on November 5, 2019 (polls open from 7:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m.).  I humbly and respectfully ask for your vote on November 5, 2019.  It's time for a change.

Brian M. Lucot
A Proud South Park Township Resident and Candidate for Township Supervisor

Brian Lucot Endorsements