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Ed Snee Platform

From Park News, October 1, 2021, pgs. 15-16 (Ed Snee vs. Vogel)

Ed Snee is Running for Supervisor (download in .pdf format)

I have been a South Park Township Supervisor for 11 years.  During this time period I had the opportunity to serve as the Vice Chairman of the Board of Supervisors, Public Safety Chairman, the Township's Representative to the South Hills Area Council of Governments (SHACOG) and the Alternate Delegate of the County, State and National Association of Annual Conventions.  I am an Air Force Veteran with 6 years of service as a Staff Sergeant at the 911th Military Airlift Group.  I was also a South Park Township Police Officer for 33 years.

As the Public Safety Chairman, it has been my responsibility and of my fellow Supervisors to ensure that we employ enough police officers to protect the community we have pledged to serve.  We currently have 15 police officers and 3 officers per shift.  There are (9) patrol cars furnished with state-of-the-art equipment.  We oversee and mandate that every officer is up to date with the continuous changes in the Crimes and Vehicle Codes.  We also fund and support training, including weapons and tactical gear.  By maintaining these standards, South Park Township has been ranked as the 10th safest Community in Pennsylvania.  The Township was awarded the AAA Platinum Safety Award for 13 consecutive years and named as a Banner Community for 8 years.  I have worked hard with my fellow Board members to oversee a balanced budget with no millage increase since 1998.

During my term as Supervisor, we have:

  • Renovated the Township Courtyard and installed a Memorial honoring the Community's Military Personnel.
  • Completed a design and secured partial grant funding for the construction of restrooms at Evans Park.  Bids were opened on September 28th.
  • We have successfully obtained a PennDOT grant in the amount of $199,975 to upgrade the red light at the intersection of Rt. 88 and Brownsville Road.
  • Adopted Savvy Citizen (events and alerts), South Park Facebook page and monthly use of Park News to keep all of our residents informed of any news, changes and upcoming events.
  • Established an alliance with Montour Trail Representative and the Montour Council to extend the Montour Trail throughout our community.  We most recently dedicated the Montour Trail extension on Piney Fork Rd.
  • We hold semi-annual electronic waste, document destruction and collection of unused medication.
  • Invested millions of dollars in road paving and sanitary sewer upgrades.
  • Worked with the School District to introduce Middle School students to local government by having them tour the Municipal Complex.

There are numerous plans for the Township going into the future.  The Township Code will be placed online in 2022.  The codification project is underway and is being reviewed by the Township Engineer and will soon be reviewed by the Township Solicitor for accuracy and to make sure the update complies with current legal and engineering standards.  Progress will also continue with the upgrade to the Rt. 88 and Brownsville Road intersection.  The Township continues to move ahead with the stormwater project located in Broughton area that will help reduce flooding once completed.  Grant monies will be pursued to assist with funding these projects.  The final section of the Montour Trail leading from the storage facility to Stewart Road will be completed.  We will also be working more closely with the 2 volunteer fire departments for funding needs.

This is a short summary of the progress that we have been making in South Park Township and our plans for the future.  I wish to continue our progress for another term and I cannot do this without your support.  Please express YOUR RIGHT TO VOTE FOR EDWARD SNEE on November 2nd, 2021.

Thank You
Ed Snee

From Park News, October 1, 2021, pg. 22 (Ed Snee vs. Vogel)

Additional:  The following .pdf contains detailed additional information from the election for Township Supervisor in which Ed Snee and Lawrence Vogel ran against each other in 2021.

Meet the Candidates for Township Supervisor (download in .pdf format)