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This website provides a free exchange of information, records and photos documenting three future housing developments (possibly more) in South Park Township as well as links to information of interest to residents.

For quick, easy reference, the Directory contains a listing and links to everything contained on the website at this time. The platforms of each of our elected township supervisors can also be located within the directory.

Of particular concern at this time is the Sleepy Hollow development which has been granted preliminary approval by the South Park Township Board of Supervisors against the recommendation of the Planning Commission.

You will find all information that has been gathered on this possible planned development at Sleepy Hollow Records and Information including the following:

Board of Supervisors Grant Preliminary Approval for Sleepy Hollow Development in Opposition to Planning Commission's Vote to "NOT Recommend" (.pdf download)

Letters to the Editor After BOS Vote to Grant Preliminary Approval for Development of Sleepy Hollow (Park News, June 1, 2024)


New 08/06/24 Referendum to Elect Two Additional Township Supervisors Has Been Approved

Corporate Buyers are Snapping up Pittsburgh Homes at a Record Pace

Ordinances (South Park Township entered into a contract with General Code in August 2014 to publish our ordinances online)

Sunset Golf Development

Elected Official Counts (chart shows how few elected officials South Park has to represent residents in comparison to other municipalities)


Please refer back to as it continues to be populated with photos and information.  If you have photos that you would like to include for documentation purposes as these developments move forward, please contact us.

Latest Update: August 6, 2024

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